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  • Мы замораживаем цены на международные перевозки.

    Ставка фрахта рассчитана по системе СОЛО. Цены Стабильны, Оптимальны, Логичны, Обоснованны. Стабильность - цена не меняется в течении года. Оптимальность - лучшее соотношение цена + качество. Логичность - все подчинено потребностям клиента. Обоснованность - мы даем только рыночные цены.

Trucking from CIS

Transportation of all types of goods - always responsible action, which does not tolerate the formalism at work. We understand that if the logistics of customer order - it's just a normal working time, the consequences for the customer quality and fast delivery often plays a very big difference. On how quickly the goods will be delivered depends sometimes so much that any disruption of the schedule may result in a serious enough problem.

This is especially noticeable in areas where is delivery of goods from neighboring countries. As a rule, the competitors are not asleep, and if you do not have time to deliver the goods on time, it is sure to be more agile "colleagues." Is also important that the specifics of the work on domestic routes CIS is somewhat different from the delivery of goods from Europe. It is not enough just to know all the nuances and have reliable transportation partners, but also must be able to provide even the most unexpected situations. That this is the true professionalism of companies operating in the freight market.

We are not going to say that the company "Solo Logistics" cars can accommodate a larger load than the transport of competitors. We are not going to say, and that the maximum speed of our car is higher than the others. Speaking frankly, the whole transport standards of practice and are difficult to achieve any noticeable benefits. And yet, when people want the delivery of goods from neighboring countries, many are turning it to us!

The secret is that we do not just constantly strengthening our presence in the market of Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Georgia and Belarus, but also strive to provide our clients with the full range of services. For example, are you interested in cargo transportation from Europe through Ukraine. Excellent! We are ready to take delivery of your cargo to any endpoint, regardless of how many have to cross our border transport. Now you no longer need to search for several artists, as "Solo Logistics" performs everything from A to Z!

Special attention we would like to bring to the fact that the delivery of goods from Europe will not cost you extra money. We are proud that our company's cost of transporting goods is stable at a low level. However, even at this price you will receive high-quality services that provide only the best companies. Sensitivity to each customer in our organization - the subject of much discussion. We do not just carry out the order and forget about the contractor, but we try to make sure that we were approached again. The list of goods transported us through the territory of the CIS countries and Europe is so great that this article will be very difficult to enumerate even a tenth of it. We handle everything from building materials and finishing machines and toilet paper and modular homes. Any cargo that you entrust to us, from the loading to delivery to the end point will be under the protection and supervision "Solo Logistics".

Shipping from Poland or the CIS does not come as a cause of loss of extra nerves, if you go to the "Solo Logistics". The fact is that we do not just inform our clients on the progress of work, but are always ready to provide as much information on the current status of the application. With us you can not be afraid of surprises and force majeure. Where the works "Solo Logistics", guaranteed a full order. Call us now and make 100% truth of every word we said. We do not just promise, but also embody the promises into reality!

Оставить заявку на перевозку

Естественно, выбор всегда остается за клиентом. Мы постарались максимально честно рассказать о том, почему с нами надежно и безопасно. Решать вам, но если вы все же обратитесь в «Соло Логистик» — это будет правильное и разумное решение! С нами перевозки ваших грузов пройдут как по нотам.