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Transport Companies

If you are an individual entrepreneur or owner of the transport, the responsible employee of the transport company and you need constant load, then you've come to the right place.

The company "Solo Logistics" is a full service logistics company . We provide an entire service to the international delivery of goods under the key. We have our work environment, we are working only with reliable shipping companies and verified by customers. We as a freight forwarder , ensure all our contractors - transport companies , timely and full payment of the transport services rendered to us and constant quality downloads . We fairly and impartially resolve issues with payment downtime by shipping companies , which came to us in a contractual relationship . Our partners receive from us load in the areas in which they operate, such as delivery of goods from Austria In Russia.

We work with direct clients only, we avoiding the double forwarding. We carefully and accurately measure the risk-return ratio in each carriage. We support clients with a very good relationship and fulfill all its obligations.

For the most complete and the most beneficial cooperation, we need full information about your company, your own transport. For these purposes, we ask you to fill out a questionnaire. All information you provide us with will be used with proper care. After filling out our questionnaire responsible officer will contact you and make you into the base of carriers, further information will be thoroughly checked. Upon completion of our checks we will get in touch with you.


Оставить заявку на перевозку

Естественно, выбор всегда остается за клиентом. Мы постарались максимально честно рассказать о том, почему с нами надежно и безопасно. Решать вам, но если вы все же обратитесь в «Соло Логистик» — это будет правильное и разумное решение! С нами перевозки ваших грузов пройдут как по нотам.